Utility Surveying and Locating

At Windwave, we recognize that the key to a robust and reliable fiber optic network lies in a thorough understanding of existing utility infrastructure. Our Utility Survey and Auditing services are designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the utilities present in your project area. We conduct meticulous surveys to identify potential conflicts and plan the most efficient route for laying fiber optic cables. Our team of experts excels in auditing existing utility layouts, ensuring that our fiber optic installations integrate seamlessly with other infrastructure without disruptions. With Windwave's Utility Survey and Auditing, you can rest assured that your fiber optic project will be executed with precision and adherence to safety standards.

As a utility owner with fiber in the Right of Way (ROW), partnering with Windwave Communications would be a strategic decision for several reasons:
Experience and Expertise: Since 2004, Windwave has been a significant player in the fiber optic industry, showcasing their expertise in managing complex fiber infrastructure. Their experience extends to the effective location of utilities, ensuring that your fiber optic lines are accurately mapped and safeguarded.

Local Knowledge and Investment: Windwave’s community-oriented, locally-owned status gives them unique insight into Eastern Oregon’s specific needs and challenges. Their extensive network of over 1,000 route miles of owned or controlled optical fiber speaks to their deep investment in the region and familiarity with its underground utility landscape. Custom Solutions and Flexibility: Windwave’s reputation for creating tailored technology solutions swiftly and effectively means they can develop a utility locating and protection

plan customized to your fiber in the ROW. This plan would account for your unique requirements and constraints, ensuring the precise locating of your utilities. Commitment to Underserved Areas: Windwave’s specialty lies in servicing underserved, geographically challenged environments. This dedication indicates a commitment to maintaining service and protecting infrastructure, even in difficult conditions, making them a reliable partner in utility locating and protection.
By leveraging Windwave’s experience, local knowledge, customization capabilities, and commitment to service, you can ensure that your underground fiber optic utilities are accurately located and adequately protected.

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Providing fiber optic technology to our schools, hospitals, and communities to improve the education of our children, the safety and health care of our citizens, and the advancement of economic development.